Haddie's Easter Bunny gifts (The chair she received as a Christmas gift however)
Haddie was most interested in her Barney DVD - she wanted to watch it immediately. She'll sit and watch Barney for at least 45 minutes by herself and be perfectly content.
Her Easter doll - she LOVES taking baths so she got a Bath-Time Baby. (She saw it in the shopping cart and yelled "Baby!" then picked up the box and kissed it!)
Mark thought he'd take an incriminating picture of me. I was eating a Snickers egg and gave one to Haddie but she didn't like hers. She handed it back to me so I was eating two, one in each hand. Mark said it's a sign of a true chocoholic!
We took her new bubble gun outside to try it out. I thought this was a cute picture.
Swinging at Mark's mom's house.
On Grandma Ronda's slide.
She is so darn cute!! I'm glad she had a good Easter. It seemed really weird not getting together with the family.